Category Archives: Fixtures & Finishes

Top 10 Kitchen Upgrades

Hannah Wigton, writer for Susquehanna Style, spoke with me about the Top Ten Kitchen Upgrades that a homeowner might consider. I thought the article was really well done, and her top-ten list includes: Contrasting cabinetry Old fashioned flooring Carefree countertops Innovative islands Smart sinks and faucets Beautiful backsplashes Low energy lighting Surprising styling All-purpose appliances Multi-tasking […]

Create a pro-style kitchen in your home

Mary Boone, writing for Zillow and Fox News, penned a really smart article on giving your remodeled kitchen that pro-style look. You’ll note even with a more traditional cabinetry style that you’re likely to find in Hershey or Carlisle, it’s still a great look. Touchless faucets, restaurant-style sprayer, pro-style sink with a deep, wide bowl […]

Kitchen Trends Written in Stone

The Journal New’s Christine Gritmon interviewed me and several others on the topic of countertop surfaces. Her focus was on granite and marble counters, but she also discussed alternative materials. How do you decide on a countertop material; where should you buy it; and who should install it? Consider aesthetics, lifestyle and maintenance Journal […]

Kitchen Appliance’s New Aesthetic

A little piece by Bloomberg Businessweek on the new aesthetic of kitchen appliances. Caroline Winter is the writer. new aesthetic involves more furniture-like appliances, with rounded edges and handles, less metallic sheen, and sometimes even a little color Stainless steel appliances remain the runaway favorite Bloomberg Business Week, “Kitchen Appliances’ New Aesthetic”, November, 2013

Thinking Kitchen Remodel? Avoid These 8 Trends

Forbes featured a few comments of mine in their online article that discusses what NOT to do in a kitchen remodel. Read more to see their list of remodeling “dont’s.”, “Thinking Kitchen Remodel? Avoid These 8 Trends”, May, 2013