elizaBeth Marcocci, CMKBD
elizaBeth has won numerous design awards most recent of which was the Gold in the 2022 KBDA Design Competition – Small Kitchen Category, sponsored by Kitchen & Bath Design News.
She has a degree in Interior design from St. Petersburg College with further studies in design from Florida State University and has earned her CMKBD, Certified Master Kitchen and Bath Designer credentials, from NKBA, the National Kitchen & Bath Association. In 2014 she completed her Certified Aging in Place Specialist designation, (CAPS) from NAHB, the National Association of Home Builders.
elizaBeth serves on the board of directors of the local Susquehanna Valley Chapter of NKBA as president for the 2014-2015 term. She previously held the positions of chapter VP of Membership and co-chair of October Kitchen & Bath Month.

Having made her home in the Lake Raystown area of central Pennsylvania for many years where she served clients in the Bedford, Blair and Huntingdon Country regions, she has recently moved to Carlisle to be closer to family and to continue her passion for great design. She is also a graduate of the Leadership Bedford County Program as well as former President of Blair County Women In Business, President of the S-L Sesquicentennial Celebration and President of “A Sparkle of HOPE” fundraiser.
elizaBeth says, “I am proud to work with the team at Mother Hubbard’s to achieve projects that reflect great design, functionality and aesthetic creativity. It is wonderful to collaborate with an experienced team of designers and craftsman to exceed our client’s expectations. I look forward to helping you Turn Your Dreams into Reality”